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2023 Journal Impact Factor - 0.7
2023 CiteScore - 1.4




ISSN 2083-6473
ISSN 2083-6481 (electronic version)




Associate Editor
Prof. Tomasz Neumann

Published by
TransNav, Faculty of Navigation
Gdynia Maritime University
3, John Paul II Avenue
81-345 Gdynia, POLAND
Sustainability of Motorways of the Sea and Fast Ships
1 Technical University of Catalonia, Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
ABSTRACT: The European transport policy undertakes to enhance sustainability in transport in order to boost economic activities in the whole EU. The reduction of pollutant emissions and a better balance among modes of transportation to cut road congestion are the pillars of the above policy. These factors are encouraging public and private stakeholders to use the freight maritime alternative more extensively. Short sea shipping is considered the quickest way to reach sustainability. Another advantage of ships over trucks and trains is that vessels consume less fuel as a result of the relatively low speeds at which they travel. However, increasingly faster ships are in a position to compete with trucks, but the former?s greater power demand and consumption rate result in higher pollutant emission levels which, in turn, lead to the loss of their environmental advantage over road transport. This problem is analyzed below.
Baird, A. 2004. Investigating the Feasibility of Fast Sea Transport Services. Maritime Economics and Logistics, Vol. 6: 252-269.
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Directive 2002 CE, of 18th February 2002, stating the maxi-mum length of an articulated vehicle in 16,5m. The 19.5 meters are obtained adding 1.5 meters ahead and astern, from the truck.
Endresen, O. et al. 2007. A historical reconstruction of ships‘ fuel consumption and emissions. Journal of Geophysical Research D. Vol. 112, D 1230:1-17.
European Commission. 2001. The White Paper on Transport: towards 2010. Time to decide. Brussels
Floedstroem, E. 1997. Energy and emission factors for ships in operation. KFB Rep. Swedish Transport and Commerce Res. Board. Swedish Maritime Administration and Mariterm AB. Gothenburg. Sweden.
García Menéndez, et al. Determinants of mode choice between road and shipping for freight transport. Journal of transport economics and policy. Vol. 38, Part 3. 2004.
Martínez de Osés, F.X. & Castells, M. 2008. Heavy weather in European Short Sea Shipping: Its influence on selected routes. The Journal of Navigation. Vol. 6: 165-176.
Mulligan, R. Et al. 2006. Short Sea Shipping. Alleviating the environmental impact of economic growth. WMU Journal of Maritime Affaires. Vol. 5, Part 2: 181-194.
REALISE Project: Regional Action for Logistical Integration of Shipping across Europe. 2005. AMRIE. [].
TERM. Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism. European Environment Agency. 2002
Citation note:
Martínez de Osés F.X., Castells i Sanabra M.: Sustainability of Motorways of the Sea and Fast Ships. TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 51-54, 2009

Other publications of authors:

F.X. Martínez de Osés, M. Castells i Sanabra, M. Rodríguez Nuevo

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